We are not just building companies. We are in the process of redirecting the hidden potentials for the good will!
Are constantly thriving to create an impact on society through education and innovations. As we are interested in multi-disciplinary engineering fields we have started working on various electro-mechanical systems operatable by computer software. We are recruiting engineering graduates from various departments.
We just started our mission by creating a company called Retech Solutions!
Started working on CNC machines using laser technology.
We started a company called Retech Lasers to focus on the laser engraving and cutting machines development and sales.
Laser Engraving is a laser technology where the laser beam is used for marking/engraving a work piece. A laser engraving machine consists of three main parts a laser, a controller, and a workpiece. The laser is like a pen. A controller uses the laser beam to trace patters on the surface of the workpiece. The controller uses a computer to control the direction, intensity, speed of movement, and spread of the laser beam aimed at the surface. The surface is picked to match what the laser can act on. Materials that can be engraved are natural materials, such as wood, plastic, metals, stone, glass jewelry, coated metals and stone/glasses.
Brushless Direct Current Motor is a type of electric motor which uses permenant magnets in its rotating part. Thus avoiding sparks due to the usage of carbon brushes, it offers more efficiency and better lifetime.
Yes, we do. Knowledge sharing is one of our prime goal while doing all the technical activities. Candidates who are interested in getting hands-on trainings can visit us or call us to be offered for free-internships.
We ensure the best quality is always our first priority
We follow the quote "Fast is Good and Slow is Bad"
Best offers on possible products are always as standard
Best career building opportunities are in our mission